速報APP / 健康塑身 / High Fiber Diet

High Fiber Diet





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




High Fiber Diet(圖1)-速報App

High Fiber Diet Plans, Benefits & Food For weight loss & kids! All fibre comes from plants, bushes, vines or trees. Of course, the ones that we eat provide us with fruits, vegetables and grains. There are many different types of fibre but the three that are most important to the health of the body are

What you get in this app:

• What is Dietary Fiber?

• Benefits of a High Fiber Diet

• How Much is Enough?

• Which Fibers and Which

• Read the Labels

• Fibre Facts Nuggets and Pearls

High Fiber Diet(圖2)-速報App

• Fibre Supplements

• Oligofructose

• Prebiotic Soluble Fiber

• Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA)

• Fibre and Gas

• Fibre and Irritable Bowel

• Fibre and Colon Polyps/Cancer

• Fibre and Diverticulosis

High Fiber Diet(圖3)-速報App

• Inflammatory Bowel Disease

• Fibre and Crohn’s Disease

• Fibre and Ulcerative Colitis

• Much More….

If you want to learn more about the High Fiber Diet app then download our amazing free app now.

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